Facts & Fitness
In Sangamon County
- 36.6% of the people are overweight
- One in five of the people 25-44 years old are obese
- One in three of the people 45-64 years old are obese
- Over half of the people 25-44 years old do not get the recommended amount of physical activity
- Two thirds of the people 45-64 years old do not get the recommended amount of physical activity
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently updated its position stand on the quantity and quality of exercise for healthy adults. For improvement in cardiovascular fitness and body composition, the ACSM recommends performing cardiovascular exercise three to five times each week for 20-60 minutes at a time, at an intensity that is within your target heart rate zone for your age.
The ACSM also recommends that you include muscular strength and flexibility training in your exercise program. If you have not been exercising regularly, to reach the recommended level of exercise you will need to begin with several short segments of exercise (5-10 minutes) and gradually work up to more minutes. Consistency is the key to success in any exercise program. Choose an activity you enjoy and are likely to continue to enjoy throughout your adult life.